Monday, August 24, 2009

Launching A Weekly Promotion To Increase Readership

One great way to find and keep readers for your online blog is to launch weekly promotions. There are several ways to do this. You can start by promoting a different product or service each week, or rotating them. For example, if you only sell four products altogether, alternate the weeks they are each promoted. This can get a bit tricky because you have to be innovative with your ideas. After all, you would not want to repeat a promotion from a month ago. Still, this can serve as a great way to promote readership. Even if you run a promotion on each then move on to something else, you are still bringing what you have to offer in the forefront for your readers.

Another way to offer weekly promotions on your online blog is to come up with a different type of promotion each week. For instance, you might offer your readers who see the information on your blog then mention it when buying your product a certain percentage off their overall purchase. You can also use your blog to run specials or post incentives that will help attract more customers to your business.

However you decide to promote your online blog, be consistent. If you promise your readers a weekly promotion make sure you deliver on that promise. If they know they can count on it, they will return week after week and may even bring others with them. For more information on this and other money making blog ideas, visit

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