Monday, August 24, 2009

Garnering Feedback For Your Online Blog

Now that you have begun heavily promoting your blog, it’s time to think about the feedback you wish to receive. You want to keep up with your readers, and what way to better achieve this than to encourage them to leave comments. You may do this by adding a statement at the end of each post that mentions comments. You may even mention previous comments you have received for various online blog posts you have created. You will, however, only want to do this if you are able to link to those comments. Otherwise, this won’t have the same impact.

Another way to garner feedback is to interact directly with your readers. At the end of each post, ask a question that will make them want to respond. This will make your readers feel like an important part of your online blog. Often times, if you can get one person to comment, others will follow. You can begin this process by encouraging your readers to share their opinions or ideas about a specific topic. This can be very effective, especially if they feel like their opinions and ideas are of value to you.

Show them their value by commenting back. Remember, interaction must always be a two way street. If you do not comment directly to a specific post, be sure to mention the comments you have received in the next post. Otherwise, try to respond to comments you receive. This is especially important if they are in the form of questions. One way to lost business is to not answer questions potential customers may have for you. Be prompt and always make an effort to answer questions while encouraging others to contact you for further information. For more information on blogging for money, visit

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