Your money making blog is like any other business endeavor. Since you are using it to generate income, you need to establish a good business relationship between you and your customer base. In this case, your customer base would be your readers. Attracting their attention is crucial, but keeping it is even more important.
Advertising is essential for any business venture and is used not only to attract new customers, but also to keep those who already exist interested.
There are many ways to advertise your blog. Because the Internet will be the home of this money maker, you will be presented with several online options that will serve as an advertising platform. While this is certainly opportunistic, you should also consider some traditional means of getting the word out.
One of the most common means of advertising is just plain word of mouth. The more people talk about your blog, the better. That is one reason why advertising locally will really help you. This is because it is difficult to monitor the word of mouth of those in far away locations; however, you should encourage everyone to talk about your blog no matter where they live. One way to do this is to give them something to discuss. Make your blog conversational and interesting. Thought provokers always get people talking as well.
Business cards and pamphlets are also great means of advertising. Each should include the website of your blog. You can hand them out to people you meet and also post them in locations near where you live and operate your business. Before doing so, be sure to check with business owners to make sure this is permitted. Posting them around town helps you remain visible. Think of this as another way for your website to stay visible. You never know, someone who picks up your information may just try going to the site to see what it’s all about.
Radio, television and ews print ads are more expensive, but an occasional mention in all three forms will help you stay on the map. If you are looking for other ways of promoting your money making blog visit for additional ideas.
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