Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Using Social Bookmarking To Boost Your Blog and increase Sales

Social bookmarking has become very popular over the past few years. This simple process of posting a video, blog entry, website or article to a social site in an effort to share it with others is a great means of advertising and promoting your money making blog. Such sites allow you to place a link to your posted item in a specific category and add keyword phrases others are likely to use when searching for the corresponding topic.

Users can also vote or rate your links to show which ones they like best. While this process may seem a bit trivial, it is this system that makes social bookmarking the powerful avenue it has become. The more votes your links receive, the more prominent they are in terms of positioning. This allows you to reach a much broader audience which will result in the potential for a greater number of people to see and read your content and find your money making blog.

There are several ways you can take advantage of this very powerful tool that will help you utilize your blog to make more money. The objective is to drive more traffic to your blog and increase your customer base. One way is to use social bookmarking software. Features of such a program include: ease of use, demo availability, free updates, lack of hidden costs and it must save you time. Another way to utilize this service is by getting multiple links from one item. Use keywords in your profile along with descriptions and category submissions.

One more way is to bookmark your blog in order to generate backlinks. Do to this, post the particulars of your blog post on several social bookmarking sites. Be sure to blog consistently and bookmark each post. For more information on how to create a money making blog, visit

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