Friday, June 19, 2009

Using Effective Keywords in Your Money Making Blog

If you maintain a money making blog, you are probably aware of the importance of keywords. These are word or phrases that search engines use to find relevant information when they are typed into the search boxes. This process, known as search engines optimization, is crucial to the success of both websites and blogs.

When sitting down to write a blog post, first consider its content. You want it to flow naturally while being informative. If you prefer, write the post without worrying about the keywords. Once you have a well-written post, you can then go back and incorporate the keywords into it.

When dong this, make sure you place them in areas of the post where they will make the most sense. This is what is known as relative content. You want to avoid keyword stuffing at all costs. This is the process of using keywords just for the sake of including them. Not only will this cause the blog post to read poorly, but it will also make it more difficult for the search engines to recognize the content as being relevant. Consider the following example when incorporating keywords.

You run a wholesale furniture store and advertise online. You can create blog posts that talk about the different types of furniture you carry, the benefits of incorporating different pieces in various rooms and provide decorating tips. Here, you could use keywords such as best wholesale furniture online, buy wholesale leather couches and so on. You can also incorporate phrases such as wholesale furniture tips and advice. No matter the keyword phrases, make sure they are relevant to the content you write. For more information and to learn about other money making blogmiimi ideas, visit

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