Thursday, September 3, 2009

Using Social Networking To Promote Your Online Money Making Blog

Social networking has become a preferred way of keeping in touch with people all over the globe. Though it is widely used for maintaining contact with friends and family members, more and more businesses are now reaping the benefits of this form of global access. Using it to promote your online money making blog will also increase the number of people who see and read about your blog.

The first step is to sign up on various social networking sites. Two of the most obvious and most popular are My Space and Face Book. There are, however, others available. Once you have an account, you can then begin posting your own blog on those sites. You can use these blogs to take advantage of a free advertising opportunity by mentioning your main official blog or letting your readers know about upcoming blog posts regarding specials and other promotions that will be taking place.

You can also use social networking sites to gain more readers to your online money making blog. This may be accomplished by the blogs you post on those sites, but can also be done through interactive means. By keeping in touch with your social networking friends, asking for and responding to feedback and taking the time to answer questions that come your way, you are showing potential readers and ultimately customers, you are interested in acquiring their business. The key is to link it all back to your official blog. The more often the link shows up, the more people who will see it and click to learn more. For more information on this and other money making blog opportunities, visit

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